Planning and Development Regulation
Legislative Information
2023 Bill List: For a list of bills related to planning and development regulation considered by the 2023 session of the General Assembly, with the status of action taken and links to bill history and copies of enacted legislation, click here
160D Legislation: For information of the Chapter 160D revision of planning and development regulation statutes Part II of S.L. 2019-111), click here.
Below are links to bulletins that summarize legislation enacted each year related to planning, land use regulation, transportation, housing, and related topics.
- For a summary of 2022 legislation related to Planning and Development Regulation, click here.
- For a summary of 2021 legislation related to Planning and Development Regulation, click here.
- For a summary of 2020 legislation related to Planning and Development Regulation, click here.
- For a summary of 2019 legislation related to planning, development regulation and related topics, click here.
- For a summary of 2017 legislation related to planning, land use regulation, transportation, housing, and related topics in each legislative session, click here.
- For a summary of 2016 legislation related to planning, land use regulation, transportation, housing, and related topics in each legislative session, click here.
- For a summary of 2015 legislation related to planning, land use regulation, transportation, housing, and related topics in each legislative session, click here.
- For a summary of 2013 legislation related to planning, land use regulation, transportation, housing, and related topics in each legislative session, click here
- For a summary of 2011-12 legislation related to planning, land use regulation, transportation, housing, and related topics in each legislative session, click here.
For SOG legislative summaries on other topics, click here. In addition to the SOG materials, the General Assembly maintains several web-based resources regarding legislation. These include an online edition of the General Statutes (note, however, that there is generally a six month lag between adoption of amendments and their incorporation into the online edition), an online link for enacted session laws, and the current status of each bill that has been introduced (searchable by bill number or key word; also contains links for votes on bills).