Finance Officer Certification Exams
Beginning in 2021, we will no longer be offering the certification exams in January.
The North Carolina Government Finance Officers Association sponsors the NC Finance Officers' Certification Program. This program is designed to enhance the public finance profession in North Carolina.
To be eligible for certification, an individual must be a finance officer of a local government or public authority or an individual that holds a supervisory or professional position in a local government or public authority related to financial functions, such as internal audit, investments, budgeting, or accounting. Individuals must have:
- at least one year’s experience in North Carolina as a legally designated finance officer of a local government or public authority and at least one additional year of governmental financial management/responsibility, or
- at least two years’ experience in North Carolina local government finance and at least two additional years of governmental financial management/responsibility.
In addition, the program requires that at least four of the following programs are completed:
- Introduction to Local Government Finance
- Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting
- Budgeting and Financial Planning (two courses but counted collectively as one requirement)
- Cash Management and Investment of Public Funds
- Fundamental Supervisory Practices
There are four exams that must be successfully completed (i.e., pass with a grade of 70% or higher). There are no waivers for the exams. The four exams are as follows:
- Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting
- Cash Management and Investment of Public Funds
- Budgeting and Capital Finance
- Financial and Supervisory Management (tied to Fundamental Supervisory Practices)
The examinations are offered twice a year. Certification is valid for five years and can be renewed at the end of each subsequent five-year period through a point system. Examinations are held online via Sakai on the last consecutive Thursday and Friday of each May and October.
Registration for the exams is open for the three weeks prior to each the exam period. Test results will be emailed within three to four weeks following the exam period. Registrants will be notified when they have successfully passed all four exams and are eligible to apply for certification. Please review "Are You Certifiable 2.0?" linked on the bottom of this page for an in-depth review of the full certification process and eligibility requirements.
Additional information
For further information please review these FAQ’s and Brochures:
NCGFOA Certification Program Brochure