Center for Public Technology
As an affiliate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Center for Public Technology was established in 2000 with the support of the School of Government and NCLGISA. The Center owes its success to strong partnerships with several other partnerships.
North Carolina Association of County Commissioners
North Carolina's 100 counties are vibrant and essential partners with state government in providing services to the state's more than seven million citizens. As the form of government closest to the people, counties offer unique a perspective that makes them critical players in decisions affecting their citizens. The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners serves as the counties' advocate before the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government.
All of the 100 county boards of commissioners are eligible for membership of the Association since the early 1900's. Collectively through the Association, they strive to preserve and protect the authority and ability of county governments to deliver the services for which they are responsible. The Association employs a staff of 20 professionals to run the day-to-day operations and to provide expertise in the areas of lobbying, fiscal and legal research, communications, intergovernmental relations, information technology, field visits and insurance.
North Carolina League of Municipalities
Since its formation in 1908, the North Carolina League of Municipalities has cities, towns and villages is a vigorous voice in the General Assembly, where League lobbyists champion municipal interests and authority. It's also an extension of every member municipality's staff-ready and willing to provide advice and assistance on almost any municipal matter.
The League is cities and towns, mayors and governing boards, and municipal staffs working together to provide the best municipal government possible to the citizens of North Carolina. The Board of Directors sets policies, and the NCLM staff offers a broad array of services tailored to municipal needs. Mayors, managers, clerks, council members, finance directors and others contact League headquarters when they need statistics, legal advice, updates on employment practices, legislative briefings and surveys. The League also connects member cities and towns to local government neighbors in North Carolina and throughout the country.
North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services
The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) is a partner for IT solutions for North Carolina. ITS is committed to working with our agency customers to develop an efficient, effective, customer-centric e-state. ITS can help business and government:
Promote the delivery of more effective and efficient services
Provide increased accountability to citizens
Offer easier access to useful information
Enable enhanced participation in the democratic process
Present new opportunities to encourage economic development
Improve society through telemedicine and distance learning
The North Carolina General Assembly in its 2000 session approved the creation of the Rural Internet Access Authority to oversee efforts to provide rural areas with high-speed broadband Internet access.
The authority's main goals are ambitious: to provide local dial-up Internet access from every telephone exchange in North Carolina within one year; and to provide high-speed Internet access at competitive prices (at least 128K for residential customers and at least 256K for business customers) to all North Carolinians within three years.
The authority is established within the state Department of Commerce, with the Rural Center providing administrative and professional staff support for the authority. The authority is governed by a 21-member commission, which includes members of state government, business and education leaders, members of the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) and representatives from the state's telecommunications companies, including Internet service providers, rural telephone cooperatives, local telephone exchange and independent telephone companies, commercial wireless.