Many people are accustomed to identifying expunctions and diversions by statute number rather than by the type of matter affected. Below is a chronological list of expunction and diversion statutes, linked to the pertinent parts of this guide.


Expunction Statues


G.S. 7B-3200

Expunctions of Delinquency Matters

G.S. 15A-145(a), (b)

Misdemeanor Convictions for Offenses Committed before Age 18 or 21

G.S. 15A-145.1

Discharge and Dismissal or Conviction of Gang Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.2(a)

Discharge and Dismissal of Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia, and Toxic Vapor Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.2(b)

Finding of Not Guilty or Dismissal of Certain Drug-Related Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.2(c)

Conviction of Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia, and Toxic Vapor Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.3(a)

Discharge and Dismissal of Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia, and Toxic Vapor Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.3(b)

Finding of Not Guilty or Dismissal of Certain Drug-Related Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.3(c)

Conviction of Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia, and Toxic Vapor Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.4

Nonviolent Felony Convictions for Offenses Committed before Age 18

G.S. 15A-145.5

Older Nonviolent Misdemeanor and Felony Convictions

G.S. 15A-145.6

Discharge and Dismissal or Conviction of Prostitution Offenses

G.S. 15A-145.7

Discharge and Dismissal of Threats of Mass Violence

G.S. 15A-145.8

Charges Remanded or Removed to Juvenile Court

G.S. 15A-145.8A

Adult Convictions for Misdemeanors and Class H and I Felonies Committed by Juveniles

G.S. 15A-145.9

Convictions of Offenses by Human Trafficking Victims

G.S. 15A-146(a), (a1)

Dismissal or Finding of Not Guilty of Misdemeanors, Felonies, and Certain Infractions

G.S. 15A-147

Charges Resulting from Identity Theft or Mistaken Identity

G.S. 15A-148

DNA Records

G.S. 15A-149

After Pardon of Innocence



Diversion Statutes


G.S. 14-50.29

Discharge and Dismissal of Gang Offenses

G.S. 14-204

Discharge and Dismissal of Prostitution Offenses

G.S. 14.277.8

Discharge and Dismissal of Threats of Mass Violence

G.S. 14-313(f)

Deferred Prosecution or Discharge and Dismissal of Tobacco Offenses

G.S. 14-458.1(c), 14-458.2(d)

Discharge and Dismissal of Cyberbullying Offenses

G.S. 15A-1341(a1)

Deferred Prosecution

G.S. 15A-1341(a2), (a5)

Deferred Prosecution or Discharge and Dismissal in Drug Treatment Court

G.S. 15A-1341(a4)

Discharge and Dismissal of Misdemeanors and Class H and I Felonies

G.S. 90-96(a), (a1)

Discharge and Dismissal of Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia, and Toxic Vapor Offenses

G.S. 90-113.14(a), (a1)

Discharge and Dismissal of Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia, and Toxic Vapor Offenses