Below are listed the tables in this guide. To view a table, click on the applicable link below. If you are interested in further discussion of the relief reflected in a particular table, consult the accompanying portion of this guide.


Table 1. Misdemeanor Convictions for Offenses Committed before Age 18 and 21

Table 2. Nonviolent Felony Convictions for Offenses Committed before Age 18

Table 3. Adult Convictions for Misdemeanors and Class H and I Felonies Committed by Juveniles

Table 4. Older Nonviolent Misdemeanor and Felony Convictions

Table 5. Dismissal or Finding of Not Guilty of Misdemeanors, Felonies, and Certain Infractions

Table 6. Discharge and Dismissal of Misdemeanors and Class H or I Felonies

Table 7. Deferred Prosecution

Table 8. Charges Resulting from Identity Theft or Mistaken Identity

Table 9. Charges Remanded or Removed to Juvenile Court

Table 10. DNA Records

Table 11. After Pardon of Innocence

Table 12. Discharge and Dismissal of Controlled Substance and Drug Paraphernalia Offenses under G.S. 90-96(a) and (a1)

Table 13. Discharge and Dismissal of Toxic Vapor Offenses

Table 14. Finding of Not Guilty or Dismissal of Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia, and Toxic Vapor Offenses

Table 15. Conviction of Controlled Substance and Drug Paraphernalia Offenses

Table 16. Conviction of Toxic Vapor Offenses

Table 17. Drug Treatment Court

Table 18. Discharge and Dismissal or Conviction of Prostitution Offenses

Table 19. Convictions of Offenses by Human Trafficking Victims

Table 20. Discharge and Dismissal or Conviction of Gang Offenses

Table 21. Discharge and Dismissal of Cyberbullying Offenses

Table 22. Deferred Prosecution or Discharge and Dismissal of Tobacco Offenses

Table 23. Discharge and Dismissal of Threats of Mass Violence

Table 24. Delinquency Adjudications and Dismissals without Adjudications

Restoration of Rights

Table 25. Restoration of Citizenship Rights

Table 26. Certificates of Relief

Table 27. Restoration of Firearm Rights after Felony Conviction

Table 28. Termination of Registration and Related Obligations

Table 29. Termination of Lifetime Satellite-Based Monitoring Obligations by Post-Release Supervision Commission