CSS Research Tool

Displaying 76 - 150 of 239 resources

Citation Typesort ascending Description
10A N.C.A.C. 71A .0908 State regulation

A county social services department must create a separate case record, or a separate section of an existing case record, containing information regarding adult protective services. 

10A N.C.A.C. 69 .0202 State regulation

(a) All client information in DSS agency records is property of the agency;
employees must protect and preserve the information as required by the regulations in Title 10A, Chapter 69

G.S. 130A-93 State statute

The names of children and parents, the addresses of parents (other than county of residence and postal code), and the Social Security numbers of parents contained in birth records in the possession

G.S. 130A-101(g) State statute

Parents are required to provide their Social Security numbers in connection with the registration of the birth of their child.

G.S. 90-85.36 State statute

Prescription orders on file in a pharmacy may be disclosed only in limited circumstances, including:
to the patient or the patient’s legally authorized representative;

G.S. 131D-32 State statute

A county adult care home advisory committee may not disclose the identity of a complainant or the identity of a resident involved in a complaint except as permitted under the federal Older American

G.S. 7B-3100 State statute

State law requires the Division of Juvenile Justice of the Department of Public Safety (DJJ) to adopt rules designating local agencies that will be required to share information concerning juvenile

G.S. 7B-2901(b) through (c) State statute

The county social services department’s records involving abused, neglected, or dependent juveniles who are in the department’s protective custody or placed with the department pursuant to court or

G.S. 143B-939 State statute

Criminal history checks of prospective adult care home employees that are provided by the state Department of Justice to licensed adult care homes are confidential and may not be disclosed to anyon

G.S. 160A-208.1 State statute

Local tax records that contain information about a taxpayer’s income or receipts are not subject to public inspection and disclosure under the state’s public records law (G.S. Ch.

G.S. 110-90.2 State statute

All information received by the state DHHS related to criminal history checks of child care providers is “privileged,” is not a public record, and may be used only by DHHS and persons authorized to

G.S. 131D-27 State statute

NC DHHS (typically through the county DSS) may have access to adult care home residents' records when investigating potential violations of state law by the home.

G.S. 143B-181.20 State statute

The confidentiality restrictions in 45 C.F.R.

G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3) State statute

A county social services board or other public body subject to the state’s open meetings law may hold a closed session to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order t

G.S. 7B-3101 State statute

Juvenile court records are confidential pursuant to GS 7B-3000.

G.S. 48-9-109 State statute

Authorizes disclosures of adoption records in limited circumstances. 

G.S. 132-1 through 11 State statute

North Carolina’s public records law (G.S. Ch. 132) generally applies to all state and local government agencies, including county social services departments.

G.S. 90-21.4(b) State statute

When an unemancipated minor child gives consent for the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of pregnancy, alcohol or substance abuse, emotional disturbance, or venereal disease or other diseases re

G.S. 131D-27 State statute

The state DHHS and its agents are authorized to inspect the records of adult care home residents maintained at an adult care home when the inspection is necessary to investigate an alleged violatio

G.S. 7B-601 State statute

A guardian ad litem appointed for a juvenile who is alleged to be abused, neglected, or dependent has the authority to obtain any information or reports, whether or not confidential or privileged (

G.S. 130A-99 State statute

The names of children and parents, the addresses of parents (other than county of residence and postal code), and the Social Security numbers of parents contained in birth records in the possession

G.S. 143B-931(e) State statute

Criminal history checks of employees, applicants for employment, and applicants to volunteer at schools within the Department of Health and Human Services shall be kept confidential. 

G.S. 7B-808 State statute

Governs the information to be included in a predisposition report in a child protective services case.

G.S. 130A-102 State statute

Medical information contained in a birth certificate shall not be public records open to inspection.

G.S. 131D-34 State statute

NC DHHS may impose administrative penalties for violations of the adult care home residents' rights, including the right to confidentiality in G.S. 131D-21(6).

GS 131D-10.6C State statute

Requires the state Division of Social Services to maintain a register of all licensed family foster and therapeutic foster homes. The register must include:

G.S. 108A-79 State statute

A person appealing a decision related to a public assistance program has a right to have access to relevant information in the DSS case file.

G.S. 7B-302 State statute

This statute is one of the most important confidentiality laws related to child protective services.
"Strictest Confidence" (G.S. 7B-302(a1))

G.S. 132-1.1(a) State statute

Written communications to a state or local governmental body made within the scope of the attorney-client relationship by any attorney serving the public body concerning a claim against or on behal

G.S. 7B-3000 State statute

Court records maintained by the clerk of superior court in cases involving delinquent or undisciplined juveniles are not open to public inspection and may be examined only pursuant to court order o

G.S. 48-3-203 State statute

Authorizes an agency placing a child for adoption to:
notify the parent when a placement has occurred and when an adoption decree is issued, and

G.S. 90-21.8(d) State statute

Court proceedings and court records involving waiver of parental consent for an abortion for an unemancipated minor pursuant to G.S. 90-21.7 and G.S. 90-21.8 are confidential.

G.S. 131D-40 State statute

Criminal history checks of prospective adult care home employees that are provided by the state Department of Justice to licensed adult care homes are confidential and may not be disclosed to anyon

G.S. 143B-934 State statute

All information received by the state DHHS related to criminal history checks of child care providers is “privileged,” is not a public record, and may be used only by DHHS and persons authorized to

G.S. 143B-935 State statute

Criminal record checks of employees and , applicants for employment at the state Division of Juvenile Justice of the Department of Public Safety, as well as of independent contractors who provide d

G.S. 131D-28 State statute

Allows patients, NC DHHS, guardians, and guardians ad litem to file a civil action for injunctive relief to enforce the Adult Care Home Residents' Bill of Rights in GS 131D-21(6) (including th

G.S. 108A-26.1 State statute

County DSSs are required to notify applicants for Work First and Food and Nutrition assistance that the agency may release confidential information from the record if there is an outstanding arrest

G.S. 8-53.3 State statute

The psychologist-patient privilege is similar to the physician-patient privilege established by G.S. 8-53.

G.S. 48-9-104 State statute

Prohibits  release from adoption records "the name, address, or other information that reasonably could be expected to lead directly to the identity of an adoptee, an adoptive parent of an ado

G.S. 14-409.42 State statute

After the expiration of an inpatient or outpatient commitment, a person may petition a court to have disabilities removed from his or her record.

G.S. 7B-2901(d) State statute

Court proceedings and court records involving waiver of parental consent for an abortion for an unemancipated minor pursuant to G.S. 90-21.7 and G.S. 90-21.8 are confidential.

G.S. 48-9-105 State statute

The court that exercised original jurisdiction with respect to an adoption may, upon motion and notice, enter an order allowing the disclosure of identifying or nonidentifying information from conf

G.S. 131E-108 State statute

Another law, G.S. 131E-117(5), provides that nursing home residents have a right to confidentiality of their medical records.

G.S. 131E-117 State statute

Provides that personal and medical records of nursing home patients are confidential. They may be disclosed:
With the patient's consent;

G.S. 7B-311 State statute

DSS is required to submit certain information to (1) the central registry and (2) to the responsible individuals list.

G.S. 8-53.4 through G.S. 8-53.12 State statute

State law recognizes qualified evidentiary privileges with respect to confidential communications to and confidential information obtained by
certified school counselors;

G.S. 7B-2102 State statute

Fingerprints and photographs of juveniles taken by law enforcement officers, law enforcement agencies, and county juvenile detention facilities are not public records, shall not be included in the

G.S. 130A-25 State statute

A violation of the state's public health statutes, including the confidentiality provisions of G.S. 130A-143, is a Class 1 misdemeanor. 

G.S. 48-9-103 State statute

An agency that placed a child for adoption (or the state Division of Social Services) must provide, upon request, any background information transmitted under G.S.

G.S. 131E-123 State statute

Allows patients, NC DHHS, guardians, and guardians ad litem to file a civil action for injunctive relief to enforce the Nursing Home Patients' Bill of Rights in GS 131E-117 (including the conf

G.S. 153A-148.1 State statute

Local tax records that contain information about a taxpayer’s income or receipts are not subject to public inspection and disclosure under the state’s public records law (G.S. Ch.

G.S. 131D-4.8 State statute

DSS may be part of an adult care home resident discharge team, especially for residents "whose primary unmet needs are related to health, including Alzheimer's disease and other forms of

G.S. 131D-21.1 State statute

Another law, G.S. 131D-21(6), provides that adult care home residents have a right to confidentiality of their medical records.

G.S. 108A-109 State statute

The county social services director must notify the district attorney when an adult protective services investigation finds evidence that a person has abused, neglected, or exploited a disabled adu

G.S. 122C-52 through 56 State statute

Any information, whether or not recorded, relating to services provided to an identifiable individual by a mental health facility is confidential and may not be disclosed except as authorized by la

G.S. 7B-3001 State statute

Records of juvenile court counselors regarding juveniles under their supervision and all other records and files maintained by the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) of the Department of Public Saf

G.S. 110-139(b) State statute

Nonjudicial records maintained by the state DHHS pertaining to child support enforcement are confidential and may be disclosed only to authorized representatives of social services agencies, public

G.S. 48-3-205 State statute

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual or agency that places a minor for adoption must provide to the prospective adoptive parent a written document containing specified backgrou

G.S. 131D-10.5A State statute

A residential child-care facility providing continuing full-time foster care must collect data on its use of physical restraint of children and make the data available to the state Department of He

G.S. 131E-129 State statute

Authorizes NC DHHS to impose administrative penalties for violations of the Nursing Home Patients' Bill of Rights in GS 131E-117, including the confidentiality provision. 

G.S. 105-259 State statute

State agencies may disclose state tax returns and other state tax information concerning individual taxpayers only when required by court order or as otherwise provided by law.

G.S. 7B-2902 State statute

Information held by DSS related to child welfare cases is subject to several confidentiality laws.

G.S. 131D-21(6) State statute

Personal and medical records of adult care home residents are confidential and may not be disclosed except as permitted or required by applicable State or federal law.

G.S. 7B-301 State statute

This statute imposes a general duty for individuals and institutions to report to DSS if they have cause to suspect that a child has been abused, neglected, is dependent, or died due to maltreatmen

G.S. 7B-3100(b) State statute

Prohibits the disclosure of information concerning a juvenile who is under investigation or alleged to be within the juvenile court’s jurisdiction that would reveal the juvenile’s identity other th

G.S. 110-129.2(i) State statute

Information contained in the state directory of new hires maintained by the state DHHS is confidential and may be used only by the state child support enforcement program or as otherwise allowed by

G.S. 132-1.11A through 1.12 State statute

Specific public records exception applicable to information about children participating in certain parks and recreation programs. 

G.S. 131D-10.6B State statute

 A residential child-care facility providing continuing full-time foster care must notify the state Department of Health and Human Services of a death of any resident of the facility.

G.S. 131E-124 State statute

Requires NC DHHS to investigate complaints related to nursing homes and authorizes the agency to have access to medical records in the course of the investigation.

G.S. 52C-3-311 State statute

Provides that if a party alleges in an affidavit or a pleading under oath that the health, safety, or liberty of a party or child would be jeopardized by disclosure of specific identifying informat

G.S. 130A-212 State statute

Provides that "clinical records or reports of individual patients" collected by the NC DHHS cancer registry are confidential and not public records.

G.S. 7B-307 State statute

Notify DA/LE of abuse: DSS must immediately notify the district attorney and the appropriate local law enforcement agency if it finds evidence that a juvenile may have been abused, as defined in G.

G.S. 143B-139.6 State statute

All privileged patient medical records in the possession of the state DHHS are confidential and are not subject to public disclosure under the state’s public records law (G.S. Ch. 132).

G.S. 7B-2901 State statute

Juvenile court records maintained by the clerk of superior court in cases involving abuse, neglect, or dependency are not open to public inspection and may be examined only pursuant to court order

G.S. 143B-933 State statute

