Smith's Criminal Case Compendium
Table of Contents
Arrest, Search, and Investigation
Criminal Offenses
Drug Offenses
State v. Campbell, 368 N.C. 83 (Jun. 11, 2015)
Reversing the decision below, State v. Campbell, 234 N.C. App. 551 (2014), the court held that a larceny indictment was not fatally flawed even though it failed to specifically allege that a church, the co-owner of the property at issue, was an entity capable of owning property. The indictment named the victim as Manna Baptist Church. The court held: “[A]lleging ownership of property in an entity identified as a church or other place of religious worship, like identifying an entity as a ‘company’ or ‘incorporated,’ signifies an entity capable of owning property, and the line of cases from the Court of Appeals that has held otherwise is overruled.”