Smith's Criminal Case Compendium
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State v. Huerta, 221 N.C. App. 436 (Jul. 3, 2012)
In this drug trafficking case the court held that there was sufficient evidence to support a finding of constructive possession of cocaine. Police had previously received a tip that drug sales were occurring at the home where the drugs were found; police later received similar information in connection with a DEA investigation; when officers went to the home the defendant admitted living there with his wife and children for three years, the defendant had a pistol, which he admitted having purchased illegally, ammunition, and more than $9,000.00 in cash in his closet; the defendant had more than $2,000 in cash on his person; almost 2 kilograms of powder cocaine worth more than $50,000 were found within easy reach of an opening leading from the hallway area to the attic; and the home small and had no residents other than the defendant and his family.